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This lesson assumes that you understand your financial goals and are familiar with all the risks and opportunities online trading provides. You can schedule a free call with our expert trader that will help you find the best way to achieve your financial goals.




公司的每股收益 (EPS) 计算方法如下:(净利润 - 优先股股息)÷当期(一年或一季度)流通股的平均数量。

每股收益 = (净利润 - 优先股股息)/平均流通股

例如,某公司全年纯收入 £2000 万,优先股股息 £100 万,上半年流通股为 1000 万,下半年流通股为 1500 万,那么其该年度的每股收益为 £1.52(£2000 万-£100 万,除以平均流通股 1250 万)。

