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This lesson assumes that you understand your financial goals and are familiar with all the risks and opportunities online trading provides. You can schedule a free call with our expert trader that will help you find the best way to achieve your financial goals.


上周是2018年第一个“风险周”,在美联储利率决议和非农数据公布之后,黄金率先出现衰竭的迹象,虽然,黄金在目前的价格一线(1260)有压力位,但后市可能会有的发展存在变数;反而是看起来走的特别强的欧元,确定性似乎更大一些 —— 随时有可能发生反转。

无论如何,从2月开始,2018年的交易才算真正拉开大幕,好的开始,是成功的一半,欢迎参加 2